
How To Update Mysql Version In Cpanel

How To Upgrade MySQL in cPanel mail provides instructions on how to upgrade your Apache MySQL database in cPanel via WHM.

Last Updated: Oct xi, 2020

Latest News: Updated the documentation.

To upgrade MySQL, you volition need to login to WHM. This tutorial will bear witness footstep by step what options to select and the final results.

Note: It is of import to always create a backup of your databases. You can also create a fill-in of your server if you want. Present server backups are washed on a daily footing.

How To Upgrade MySQL in cPanel

Step 1 ) Log into WHM (Web Host Manager) as illustrated in the image below. Make sure your login has https  in the URL accost.


Pace 2 ) Become to WHM -> Software -> MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade to begin upgrading MySQL.


seven Steps To Upgrade MySQL

Step 3 )The following image displays the version MySQL 5.6 (Stable) called for this tutorial. Click the Side by side button once you have select your pick.


Stride four )The post-obit page with nowadays y'all with a list of "Upgrade Warnings". Select the check box for each alert after reading and understanding it. Click on the Continue push button when you are ready for the adjacent step.

Note: You will virtually always see an advisory suggesting to perform a full MySQL database backup. This is highly recommended.


Footstep half dozen )The third step allows y'all to cull from i of the following options. Read each option carefully and cull the correct one for your upgrade.

Upgrade Type

  • Unattended Upgrade (This selection was chosen for this tutorial)
  • Partially-Interactive Upgrade
  • Interactive Upgrade. The latter two options should just be chosen if you lot accept special configurations in place.
  • Click on Continue push button when you are fix to go along.


Step 7 )The following image displays the progress bar letting you know that MySQL is existence upgraded.


Step viii ) The post-obit prototype display the upgrade process completed without any errors or warnings. This is what you want to see when you upgrade your version. Click on Back push button to go dorsum to the beginning.


Step 9 ) Once the process is completed and you return to the beginning you should meet your upgraded version. In this instance MySQL was upgraded from version 5.five to version 5.6.35 .

Note: If you are upgrading from a version before than MySQL v.5, I recommend that you consult your host before going alee.


If everything went well then your MySQL is updated. If your run into issues then you will have to contact your host or WHM forums.

I hope the to a higher place helps you.

If you have whatsoever questions please let me know.


I take been working in IT since 1999 and I bask the challenges it brings me. I love developing websites with WordPress. I spend a lot of time helping out in forums. I accept been writing tutorials since 2011. At present I am learning how to manage my own VPS "Virtual Private Server.

How To Update Mysql Version In Cpanel,


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