
How Do I Stop Microsoft Updates On An Old Computer

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BTW, i forgot to mention that EVERY Unmarried TIME that microsoft "updates" my computer, it makes my audio non piece of work, so i accept to re-download their hd audio driver every unmarried time! THEY DONT DO Anything GOOD FOR MY Organisation AT ALL! they just add more crap to tiresome downwardly my system.

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seriously, does ANYONE have a way to terminate them from forcing their updates on me?

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I'm having the same issues, if you lot figure out something please permit me know.

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Please go to services.msc, then click on update. Then, click manual update or disable update. Reminder: Updates are important. Without them, devices can take issues.

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been there, washed that, MULTIPLE times at present. but microsoft has a service called windows update medic service (which says access denied everytime i try to disable that. and im supposed to OWN my calculator?) that re enables windows update everytime they want to shove one of their updates down my pharynx.

and yes, updates are of import (sarcasm), important enough that i need to accept them forced on me and screw upwards the audio on my rig everytime they update it! no, i dont freakin demand them!

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I think you did not practise information technology right. If y'all did (disable updates), updates cannot be downloaded and installed. Information technology will not work, that is how it works. What updates are they? Yous can download the hide and unhide troubleshooter to hide them.

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trust me, attempting to disable windows update in services does nothing anymore. their windows update medic service explicitly says its in that location to enable remediation and protection of windows update components. basically saying, you can turn it off, only we (microsoft) can turn information technology back on whenever we experience similar.

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This has been explained hither hundreds of times only I don't mind explaining information technology once more.

Windows x is different previous versions of Windows. In previous versions, you received a baseline version of Windows that was updated over time to fix bugs and improve security.

At that place is no baseline version of Windows 10. Instead, Windows 10 is a continually evolving operating arrangement that consists of regular updates that volition continue indefinitely. The updates are Windows ten, so Microsoft tries to ensure that every Windows 10 computer gets updated. That's why it's practically impossible to stop receiving updates without seriously breaking Windows.

Microsoft explained this while Windows x was existence developed and information technology was widely discussed in the media.

Regular updates are especially crude on 2 types of user:

1- people who continue to use hardware that is no longer supported past the manufacturer; and

ii- people who, for whatever reason, aren't proficient at using a reckoner.

Microsoft didn't invent the thought of regular updates. Other companies, similar Google, had the idea first and with Windows 10 Microsoft has finally come on lath.

Windows 10 is the most secure version of Windows. Hackers make a living from people who use outdated software. For people in your state of affairs, here'south the best communication:

1- If the manufacturers of your hardware back up the hardware on Windows 10, stay with Windows x. Even if you lot're like me, who has no involvement in virtually every new 'innovation' in Windows 10 and never uses them,  it'south worthwhile to stick with Windows 10 for the improved security alone.

2- Practice a clean install. Upgrading a computer drags forth all the mistakes, bug and inefficiencies of the past, while a clean install gives yous a fresh commencement.

3- Invest the fourth dimension to larn how to use a estimator correctly and wisely. Knowledge is the number one defence confronting problems. I had to offset at the Dick and Jane level - you're probably more avant-garde - simply I'one thousand glad I did because it has paid off nicely.

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Regular updates are particularly rough on 2 types of user:

1- people who go along to utilise hardware that is no longer supported past the manufacturer; and

two- people who, for whatever reason, aren't good at using a computer.

Your impression does non quite agree with my experience. I have seen several fairly recent machines, used for nada other than MS Part applications, that got badly damaged past automatic updates. Some became unbootable, some kept locking up. Recovery is oftentimes impossible for these reasons:

  • Automatic Updates routinely deactivate Organisation Restore. Why does MS requite usa this useful tool, and then keeps deactivating it?
  • If System Restore points are available, they often do not piece of work. I had two of them this morn.
  • Image Restore often fails to piece of work also which is probably why it is at present a deprecated tool. Apple tree Mac users stare in wonder, thinking of their Time Automobile.
  • Undoing an update, if at all availabe, often fails too, going past forum reports.

In view of this poor runway record I have at present installed Macrium Reflect on all client machines. Information technology updates its organization file image once every month. I should not have to do this.

To the OP: To disable automated updates, deactivate these two services, then reboot the car. Annotation that you volition no longer become any virus pattern file updates.

  • Windows Update
  • Windows Module Installer

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Delight understand that I don't mean to argue with you. I'm just illustrating the points I made earlier.

"I take seen several fairly contempo machines, used for nothing other than MS Office applications, that got badly damaged by automated updates."

Are you lot actually in a position to say that no other activity was performed on these machines - literally goose egg else - other than signing in and using Microsoft Office applications? I find that difficult.

Permit'southward say, for the sake of argument, that the to a higher place is 100% right. What makes you lot so sure that whatever problems were acquired by Windows and not Office, which gets updated exactly the same way?

Let's once again say, for the sake of argument, that Office had nothing to do with the machines' problems. Practise you know for a fact that the hardware is supported on Windows ten - did you ask the manufacturers, who decide whether to support Windows 10 - or are you presuming that the machines should be supported because they are 'fairly recent?' And did you check to decide that the machines are using Windows x drivers.

Beyond all that, how would you business relationship for the fact that and then many Windows 10 computers are completely upwards to date and withal have no problems, including my computers?

" Recovery is often incommunicable for these reasons ..."

Offset, recovery isalways possible past booting the figurer from a USB drive or a disk. Doing this is a complete end-run effectually the hard bulldoze, so it does not matter how messed up someone'due south copy of Windows is. Your computer could exist totally tied up in knots and completely unbootable - which I accept done - and yet be restored to working society in little time - which I have as well done.

I have yet to have an update deactivate Arrangement Restore. What a characteristic update (translation: new version of Windows) will do, what it'ssupposed to do, is erase all existing restore points. That's because youdon't want to restore a restore indicate made earlier the update. That would give your computer a toxic mixture of old and new system files, organization drivers and registry hives that is almost guaranteed to crash.

Even at it'south best, which isn't saying much (in my opinion,) Organization Restore was non designed to pull a estimator out of serious trouble. Only a backup can do that, and System Restore is not a fill-in nor was it always claimed to exist a fill-in. Restore points contain cardinal system files, system drivers and registry hives that were intended to hopefully restore the Windows UI so that users would have access to Windows' own tools to help them solve a problem.

Organisation Restore is turned off past default in Windows x (I believe, correction appreciated) because there's a much better fashion to pull a computer out of otherwise irretrievable problem: restore a backup. When Organisation Restore was first introduced with Windows ME, home users did not have admission to user-friendly image backup software as nosotros exercise now. Today in that location are many splendid third-party image backup applications that brand it easy and user-friendly to backup and restore your entire estimator in one shot in just minutes.

Microsoft hasn't said in so many words why they deprecated Windows' ain System Paradigm Builder with the Fall Creators Update, but I can accept a guess: Similar many other utilities that accept been included in Windows over the years for no actress charge - similar Fax and Scan, Snipping Tool, Vocalism Recorder, Wordpad, etc. - Organization Image Builder was not designed to take the place of a full-out 3rd-political party application. Rather, these utilities provide a fundamental level of functionality for users who don't know how to install software or are as well anxious to attempt. Considering how much excellent paradigm fill-in software there is in the third-party space, developed by organizations that specialize in that technology, Microsoft might have said "why endeavour to re-invent the wheel?" Indeed, Microsoft explicitly recommended that users install third-party image backup software.

Thus, Microsoft stopped developing SIB, andthat's why it doesn't work well.

Of course, many of the same people who complain incessantly virtually how terrible Windows is don't backup. They take lots of excuses, even though computer bloggers, teachers, authors and media personalities take been practically begging people for years to backup. When you have an paradigm backup you are as close to bullet-proof as you tin be with a estimator. In just a few minutes you tin send your reckoner back in time to when everything was fine. Just people don't do information technology.

I'm non claiming that Windows 10 is blameless, non at all. They've got a lot of attitude that needs adjusting. Merely it's besides user-friendly to blame Microsoft for everything that goes wrong. If you lot read through the posts in the forum, you'll quickly see that many posters are at the bottom of the barrel in reckoner skills (and in common sense, in some cases.) Other posters don't retrieve its their responsibility to learn how to use a computer. These people make a mess of things and, of form, they blame Microsoft.

Finding a way to stop updates is not the answer to avoiding computer problems (and the attempt volition somewhen finish working, anyway.) Learning how to use a computer, just like someone learns how to utilize a dishwasher, a motorcar, a paw drill, etc., is the reply. And if someone doesn't believe they should have to practise that, at least learn how to fill-in.

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How Do I Stop Microsoft Updates On An Old Computer,


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